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20090925_piondag 16

Isala Innovation Award

We are very proud to announce that an initiative we started with Medtronic to reduce waste production resulted in Medtronic receiving the Isala Innovation Award.

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Pion training day

September 25th 2010 we invited, in co-operation with NeSECC, the Isala Klinieken and Terumo, the members of PION (Perfusionisten In Opleiding Nederland, an interestgroup of trainee perfusionist in the Netherlands) for a workshop/training. The main topic was recognizing potentially dangerous/harmfull situations, avoiding them and handling calamities.

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30.000 perfusions

One year ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Isala Klinieken Heartcentre, perfusionists of ECCare performed the 30,000th extracorporeal circulation in support of a cardiac surgical procedure. 

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Visit colleques from Zagreb

Over the last weeks we had the honour of welcoming our collegues from the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. 

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Isala moving to new building

After more than a decade of careful planning, preparation and building our premium contractor and valued partner, Isala hospital, has moved into a brand new hospital building. 

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Hemoclear project

ECCare takes part in the Hemoclear project, a low cost, non-hardware dependent filtering device designed to optimize intraoperatively shed blood for retransfusion.
One of the many area’s of use is in medical posts out or reach of regular hospital care which is common in many third world countries. 

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